JellyBlack AOKP/CM Theme v4.3 Apk

Unknown Tuesday, April 2, 2013
JellyBlack AOKP/CM Theme is a simple CM/AOKP Theme for the Tmobile theme chooser.

JellyBlack AOKP/CM Theme is based on the Tmobile theme engine, so in order to use this theme your device must be rooted and have the Tmobile theme engine, which is included in most custom ROMs.
More than 40 apps are themed, including mostly images/colors.

JellyBlack AOKP/CM Theme Apk utilizes new code that has been incorporated into a lot of custom ROMs, which allows for inverted Contacts and MMS apps. If your ROM does not have this code then these apps will not be inverted.

Note that when applying the theme, both the Market and System UI may force close. System UI will restart in a few seconds, and neither of these apps will fc again. This ONLY occurs when first applying the theme.
Installation Instructions
  • remove previous installed versions from my xda thread.
  • Install apk from playstore
  • Select the System Theme in the theme chooser, and reboot
  • Return to the theme chooser, select this JellyBlack Them, and reboot
  • Enjoy

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