D.O.T. Defender of Texel v2.1.0 Apk

Join the 1M+ players already defending Texel!
Limited-time offer: Start the game now to receive a special warrior from a past event! Players will also receive $3 worth of items absolutely free.

In a world of squares, somebody needs to think outside the box…

A high-fantasy adventure with a twist, "D.O.T." is set in Texel, an 8-bit retro universe in dire need of a champion. In this exciting new RPG from Mobage, the player is transported through a mobile game into a world that has no concept of death or war, and is being torn apart by sinister robotic invaders. Only your skills as a commander can save the three tribes of Texel, and open the portal back to your own reality.
  • Unique graphics that combine 2D pixel and 3D block art with dazzling effects
  • Characters that transform through fusion
  • Power-ups through character and gear customization 
  • An epic story set in a distant universe, with the musical score to match!
  • New characters and areas, continuously added in always-free updates!
  • Intuitive battle formations, created with grid-based swipe action!
*Connect with other gamers on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/DefenderofTexel. Check out more games at www.mobage.com, and follow us @Mobage on Twitter to get the latest news, deals, and help on our games.