With the screen off the program disables WiFi and mobile data, performs periodic synchronization.
In this version - a clever synchronization, waiting notification download / upload pictures / wait until you have finish your Skype call.
Has no unnecessary features and functionality, only the most important things.
Performs 3 simple things:
- When you turn off the screen - the application disables the mobile data / WiFi after 30 sec
- When you turn on the screen - the application enables a mobile data / WiFi
- In the background, while the screen is off, every 15 minutes enables a synchronization of your Facebook, Twitter, etc. for 30 seconds.
- If in the meantime someone didn't finish download a notification - the application will wait until download)
- interval of switching-on is discrete: 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes, an hour, 3 hours)
- At night, from 00:00 to 06:00 switching-on occurs every 3 hours, instead of 15 mins)
- Application is not suitable for you, if you use your phone every minute.
- And must have for people with periodic use of a smartphone.
- Try manually turn off WiFi and mobile data every time, you don't use phone.
And turn on, when you back.
If it helps to save battery - my app also helps to you.
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