Plume Premium for Twitter a beautiful, highly customizable Twitter client for you!
Plume Premium is a beautiful and completely customizable Twitter app that will revolutionize the way you use Twitter! Brought to you by the authors of the popular Beautiful Widgets, Plume is one of the best Twitter clients for Android and has a brand new Ice Cream Sandwich and tablet interface! Plume Premium was formerly known as Touiteur. (Twitter requested that we change the name)
- Colorize your timeline/friends from Twitter
- Multiple twitter accounts support
- Scrollable beautiful widgets to display your twitter timeline on your home
- Mute twitter users, word or clients
- Picture preview
- Twitter geotagging
- Swipe scrolling
- Very customizable
- Internal browser
- Autocomplete twitter hashtags and username
- Share photo with Lockerz, Twitter, Twitpic, Plixi, YFrog, Posterous, Mobypicture,
- support for your tweets
- Inline twitter conversation
- Display replies to a tweet
- Display twitter profiles
- Pull to refresh
- a lot more!
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Our site indexed for all kinds of games, themes, applications, etc. which are all from free and open blog and forums. Please inform our administrator if the copy infringe your copyright. And we will link your official website as the connection address, or remove it within three working days. Contact Us